Luzes para cultivo em estufa

Greenhouse growers use indoor plant lights to improve vegetables, fruit, and flowers.

Our LED greenhouse lights can improve performance in any situation: propagation, seedling growth, or commercial scale.

The Future of LED Lighting in Greenhouse Crop Production

In recent years, LED lighting has become a game-changer for greenhouse cultivation. Due to the advantages of LEDs and their potential to increase crop yields, traditional lighting methods such as HPS lamps are rapidly being replaced by greenhouse LED grow lights.

The momentum of LED lighting adoption in greenhouse crop production is well-founded for several reasons:

  • According to a recent study, crop yields can be increased by 20-30% when using LED lighting compared to traditional lighting methods.
  • LED lighting can reduce energy consumption by 50% compared to traditional lighting, resulting in significant cost savings for growers.
  • Agricultural experts estimate that LED lighting has the potential to shorten the crop production cycle by 10-30%, accelerating turnover and enhancing profitability.

LED greenhouse grow lighting is designed to emit wavelengths closely resembling the natural sunlight spectrum, and have transformative effects on plant cultivation. This feature not only aids in photosynthesis but also optimizes leaf expansion, promoting healthier and more productive plants. The impact on leaf development is just one aspect of its potential benefits.

With ongoing technological advancements and cost reductions, LED plant lighting is becoming increasingly accessible to growers of various scales.

As growers explore the possibilities of LED greenhouse growing lights, considering factors such as spectrum, intensity, and duration is crucial to maximize its benefits. Each crop has unique requirements, and understanding these subtle differences is key to achieving the desired results. Adjusting the spectrum can shape the desired leaf morphology.

tomato greenhouse

Tomato Greenhouse

grow lights for fruit trees

Dragon Fruit Greenhouse

luz led de cultivo para vegetais e flores

Flower Greenhouse

Cannabis Greenhouse

luzes led de cultivo para estufa

Cucumber Greenhouse

Greenhouse Grow Lights for Sale

iluminação superior conduzida

Iluminação superior LED GB17

Espectro de Bloom 5000K, 660nm Vermelho, 730nm

É uma solução eficiente para o cultivo interno de alface, folhas verdes e frutas vermelhas em sistemas multicamadas.

Iluminação interna LED

Iluminação interna LED GB18

Espectro de Bloom 5000K, 660nm Vermelho, 730nm

Introduza a luz PAR apropriada no lado correto da cobertura da linha alta para obter o máximo impacto na sua colheita.

barras de luzes led para cultivo gb21

LED Grow Light Bar GB21

Samsung 281B or Taiwan chip 3030 LEDs

It has a unique dual-mode mounting design (hanging/landing handstand) designed to bathe every leaf in abundant light.

iluminação para estufa interna

Luzes LED para estufa GT05

Espectro total 5000K, 660 nm vermelho, 450 nm azul

Mude facilmente do HPS para todos os benefícios das luzes LED suspensas usando a configuração e a estrutura de grade existentes do HPS.

estufa led cresce luzes

Iluminação de estufa GB01

Espectro completo 6800K+660nm+450nm

Um LED produz luz para culturas que gostam de luz. Utilize conexões idênticas para substituição de HPS um para um.

OVNI LED cresce a luz 150w

Luzes de estufa interna UF08

Espectro completo 3000K+5000K+660nm+730nm

Durante o inverno escuro, a primavera e o verão, a luz superior complementa a luz natural com luz artificial.

crescer lâmpada

Lâmpada para estufa HL03

Espectro específico, 2800K-3000K

O racionamento espectral científico baseado nas características das plantas é uma ótima maneira de melhorar os resultados das culturas de pitaya.

luzes led de cultivo para estufa

LEDs de estufa para vegetais

Are you looking to enhance your business? Our greenhouse grow light systems can help you unlock new potential with ease.

Produce high-quality crops all year round with the top lighting GB17 and the interlighting GB18 for high-line tomatoes and cucumbers, resulting in a more vigorous crop. Our greenhouse LED lighting illuminates the path to remarkable lettuce and leafy greens, elevating their taste, color, and yield to new heights.

GB17 and GB18 are bi-directional inter-lighting modules designed for illuminating tall plants.

LEDs de estufa para frutas

Cultivar frutas de dragão dentro de casa com luzes LED pode transformar suas colheitas em uma recompensa deliciosamente doce e fresca.

Our greenhouse lamp HL03 will provide a competitive edge for growing fruit with LEDs in a traditional greenhouse or a vertical farming facility.

A iluminação personalizada é a chave para aumentar o alongamento da fruta do dragão para uma colheita mais precoce.

grow lights for fruit trees
luz led de cultivo para vegetais e flores

LEDs de estufa para floricultura

Ornamental crop growers have the power to transform their crops into something extraordinary with the help of our LED grow lights for greenhouse. Using our technology to improve crop quality and greenhouse climate, they can cultivate a remarkable harvest.

If you want to improve the success rate of your potted plants, get larger flowers and higher yields of cut flowers, or grow multiple crops of perennials in a year, our commercial greenhouse grow lights can help you achieve your goals.

The GB01 and GT05 let you switch from HPS to LED top lighting using your existing setup and lattice structure.

custom greenhouse led grow light

Ajudaremos você a obter o produto certo, obter rendimentos mais elevados e expandir para um mercado mais amplo.

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