Under baldakin LED Grow Light

Uavhengig bruk / Seriebruk

Introducing this under canopy grow lights, a solution addressing the hindered development of lower buds and leaves on plants grown on benches or racks, where limited sunlight reaches beneath the top canopy.

  • Improve bud structure and density.
  • Increase flowering and boost yield.
  • Increase cannabinoids and terpene levels.
  • Give your plants more consistent growth and color.


LED Under Canopy lighting boosts efficiency in cannabis operations.

It brightens up the dark lower canopy, making shaded leaves work better and helping sub-canopy flowers grow more.

Adding light under the canopy, even if it’s less than the top, really pays off.

Using under-canopy lighting is like getting double the space.

You’ve already got the top area working, and now the same space below can be just as productive.

the under canopy tent lighting
the under canopy tent light
the under canopy tent lights
customizable undercanopy light




Fullspekter 3000K, 5000K, 660nm og UV IR


100W / 120W

Fixture Dimensions

1000/1200 x 48 x 42mm LWH



Fixture Length

1000mm (3.3 ft) / 1200mm(3.9ft)


Uavhengig bruk / Seriebruk


Fixture Length, Spectrum, Appearance Color, Bracket Height, Wire Length

under canopy tent lights

Under kalesjebelysning for cannabis

Denne innovative tilnærmingen til belysning bruker vitenskapelig utformede lys plassert under plantekronen. Disse lysene under baldakinen retter seg mot områder som konvensjonelle overlyssystemer ikke kan nå effektivt.

Det er viktig å sørge for at det er nok lys under kalesjen. Det hjelper alle deler av planten å få det lyset de trenger for å vokse godt og lage de kule, verdifulle forbindelsene og terpenene.

Belysning i undertak kan utvikle de nedre knoppene, noe som forbedrer plantehelsen og avlingen betydelig. Et jevnt modenhetsnivå i planter og knopper er en stor fordel, siden det resulterer i mer brukbare knopper av høy kvalitet i A/B-kvalitet.

Enten det er for nybegynnere eller profesjonelle som jobber i store anlegg, har vi sett noen fantastiske hopp i avling. Vi er ganske sikre på at du også kan treffe disse tallene. En god stigning i gjennomsnittlig avkastning kan virkelig lønne seg, og bringe deg opp til en hel runde med ROI.

Planter dyrket med vekstlys under baldakin viser jevn farge fra toppen til bunnen av planten. Dette er fordi de nedre grenblomstene vanligvis mangler de dristige og vakre fargene, for eksempel lilla, som finnes i toppblomstene.

Du vil sannsynligvis elske det faktum at du ikke kommer til å bruke evigheter på å trimme de triste, undergrodde buskene lenger. Blomsten er i stand til å vokse til en pen, solid form, noe som er kjempebra fordi det betyr mindre tid med trimmerne!

Built-in Driver

This LED under canopy plant light is equipped with a built-in driver,
allowing it to be used alone or connected in a daisy chain.
under canopy led lights factory
canopy light under tree

Independent Use​

If you’ve got a small grow tent or maybe you’re just growing a few plants, using a plant light alone can make more efficient use of space.

dimming under canopy lights

Series Connection (daisy chain)

It can be connected in a series of up to 20 units. You have the flexibility to link several lights to create a powerful lighting system.

External Driver

Considering the needs of professional growers, we also offer external drivers,
can be dimmed according to the growth needs of the plants.

Customize the Wire Length

When your farm starts to grow and you need more lamps, we can customize the wire length according to your planting situation.
The UCL makes it easy to expand your lighting setup as your plants grow.
tent under canopy lights
telt under baldakin belysning
tent under canopy light

Customize What You Want

Fixture Length, Spectrum, Appearance Color, Bracket Height, Wire Length

under canopy lights spectrum


under canopy lights case

Brakett Høyde

wholesale under canopy lights

Appearance Color

customizable undercanopy lighting

Fixture Length


1. How to use this under canopy grow light?

This fixture comes with a built-in driver, it can be used alone and is suitable for growing 1-2 cannabis plants. You can also daisy chain up to 20 units into one large lighting system. If you are a professional grower, you can add an external driver for dimming.

2. Are under canopy lighting suitable for all cannabis strains?

Under canopy lighting enhances most cannabis strains, but needs vary. It’s important to choose the right lighting strategy for your specific strain.

3. Can I use under canopy lighting exclusively, without overhead lighting?

While you can use under-canopy lighting, combining it with overhead lighting is highly recommended for achieving the most effective results.

4. Are under canopy lighting cost-effective in the long run?

The cost-effectiveness of under-canopy lighting is significant, influenced by energy efficiency and the enhanced yield and quality of your cannabis. Many growers view it as a smart investment that pays off in the long run.

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