floor stand grow light

Standing Grow Light

Item Number: SD19

Naša podna rasvjeta je revolucionirala vrtlarstvo u zatvorenom prostoru eliminirajući ograničenja sistema rasvjete odozgo prema dolje.

The side illumination ensures that all plants receive maximum light exposure, regardless of their position within the structure. Side lighting shines on the leaves to better promote leaf growth.

They are energy-efficient, easy to use, and durable, making them the perfect choice for home gardeners to grow plants indoors.

Efektivni spektar

Cijeli spektar je opremljen sa 660nm koji osigurava da biljke dobiju uravnotežen izvor svjetlosti, pružajući energiju neophodnu za zdravlje biljaka.

Bočno osvjetljenje

Ovo stojeće unutrašnje baštensko svetlo obezbeđuje bočno osvetljenje, što obezbeđuje ravnomerniju distribuciju donje strane listova.

Idealno za sobne biljke

Idealno za uzgoj velikih i visokih sobnih biljaka kao što su tropske biljke, lišće, ukrasno bilje, bonsai drveće, minijaturni vrtovi itd.

Stalak za stativ

Stalak za stativ koji pruža stabilnost i ravnomjernu raspodjelu težine, minimizirajući rizik od prevrtanja uređaja.

Nožni prekidač

Nožni prekidači pružaju praktičan i jednostavan način, jednostavno pritisnite ili otpustite pedalu nogom za kontrolu osvjetljenja.

Easy Assembly

Jednostavna konstrukcija svjetla olakšava sastavljanje. Njegov jednostavan, elegantan dizajn savršeno će se uklopiti u svaki kućni dekor.

LED rasvjetno postolje
vertikalni stalak za rasvjetu

Da bi se osigurao najbolji razvoj sobnih biljaka, potrebno je posebnu pažnju posvetiti bočnom osvjetljenju. Tradicionalni pristup osvjetljavanja samo s vrha dovodi do toga da gornji dijelovi biljaka primaju više svjetla od nižih, što dovodi do neujednačenog rasta.

Naše vertikalno svjetlo za rast izdvaja se od ostalih po tome što uključuje bočno osvjetljenje. Dizajniran je da ravnomjerno raspoređuje svjetlost po zatvorenom vrtu, osiguravajući da svaki nivo biljne strukture dobije potrebnu svjetlost za optimalnu fotosintezu.

standing LED grow light spectrum

Broj artikla









1000 x 32 x 32 mm

1200 x 32 x 32 mm

1500 x 32 x 32 mm

Full Spectrum




LED diode

Samsung Osram LEDs

Samsung Osram LEDs

Samsung Osram LEDs

Visina nosača

11 cm

11 cm

11 cm

Ulazni napon




Životni vijek




Aluminum Cover

Nožni prekidač

Osvetljenje punog spektra

Stalak za stativ

led growing light stand

Benefits of Side Lighting for Plants

Illuminate your plants from all angles with our cutting-edge side lighting technology.

Uniform Growth: Bočno osvetljenje eliminiše senke, obezbeđujući dosledno izlaganje svetlu svakom listu i stabljici.

Poboljšana fotosinteza: Maksimizirajte efikasnost fotosinteze uz sveobuhvatnu pokrivenost svjetlom, povećavajući vitalnost vaše biljke.

Optimalna penetracija nadstrešnice: Dosegnite duboko u krošnju biljaka, podstičući rast na svim nivoima i sprečavajući nedovoljno razvijena područja.

Is this floor standing grow light stable?

Our floor-standing plant light is designed with a triangular-shaped stand specifically engineered to enhance stability.

The triangular configuration ensures an even weight distribution across the base, significantly reducing the risk of tipping or swaying.

This design choice provides a secure and reliable foundation for the fixture, offering peace of mind for users concerned about the stability of the plant stand grow light.

When propped open, the bracket has a certain footprint, so try to avoid your lovely pets getting close enough to knock over the fixture.

standing LED grow light
tall grow light stand

Unlocking the Benefits of the Footswitch for Ultimate Your Convenience

Our grow light fixture stand comes with a built-in footswitch, redefining how you interact with your indoor garden.

Hands-Free Operation: Say goodbye to bending over or reaching for switches. The footswitch allows you to effortlessly control the lighting without using your hands, providing unmatched convenience.

Enhanced Accessibility: Ideal for users of all ages and abilities, the footswitch design promotes accessibility, ensuring everyone can enjoy the pleasures of indoor gardening.

Effortless On/Off: Instantly turn your standing LED grow light on or off with a simple tap of your foot.

Do houseplants benefit from artificial light?

Diversity of Species: Using artificial light allows for the cultivation of a wider variety of plant species indoors. Many plants have specific sunlight requirements, and artificial lighting can provide the necessary spectrum and intensity to support the growth of sun-loving plants.

Aesthetic Enhancement: Adequate lighting not only supports plant growth but also enhances the visual appeal of plants. Properly illuminated plants tend to look healthier, with vibrant colors and well-defined features.

Atmospheric Impact: Different lighting setups can create specific moods and ambiance. This can be especially important for indoor gardens or spaces where the visual appeal of plants adds to the overall decor.

standing grow lights for plants

What Our Customers Are Saying

Jonathan Borba
Jonathan BorbaCustomer
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It's SUPER bright, and covers a really large area. I have it right in front of my monstera and fiddle leaf fig. After about 1.5 months of use, the two of them are finally putting out new leaves after 6 months of no growth. It also shines on some of my smaller plants who seem to be reacting well to the additional light. I do wish it had a timer, but it's no big deal for how well it works.
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If you have large or tall plants this is just the ticket. The stand is very clever and sturdy. It will be easy to stash after winter when the plants all go outside. If you are going to hang them horizontally there are more economical options. This one's value is in its vertical stance to light up a collection.
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This is the perfect solution for plants that don’t fit in a greenhouse. My plants are absolutely loving this light!
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Nice, simple design will fit into most home decors if used to help houseplants. It seems well made and it was well packaged for shipping. The other strip plant lights I have purchased from them all work well.

What's in the box?

standing grow light accessories

1 x LED Light Bar
1 x Foot Pedal
1 x stativ
1 x Power Plug
1 x User Manual

Prilagodite svoje uređaje

stand alone grow lights

Možemo prilagoditi spektar,
Temperatura boje, CRI, lumeni,
Dužina, marka ambalaža,
Izgled proizvoda.
Contact Us to Start Customization.

Javite nam se!

Od planiranja svjetla po mjeri, do prilagođenih ponuda, i svega između, naš tim stručnjaka za hortikulturu uvijek je spreman pomoći.

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